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Facebook and Instagram ads

Facebook is the largest social network with over a billion ACTIVE users in the world, and around 1.5 million ACTIVE users in Macedonia. Anyone who wants to be successful with social media advertisements, has to know the basics of Facebook advertising, because currently Facebook has 76.35% global share of the internet advertising market, and 94.89% share in Macedonia (statistics are taken from

Creating and running ads on social media is hard work because the platforms and rules are frequently changing and a large number of clients are faced with situations in which they don’t get their ads approved, or their accounts get deleted because of poorly designed ads.
We know that for businesses that do not have a social media manager, it’s almost impossible to keep up with all of the changes and rules that are constantly updating, and that is why aside from

  • Creating and running campaigns on Facebook, Instagram (additionally Google) with a focus on return on investment (ROAS – Return on Ads Spend).
  • Social marketing strategy – Creating a strategy for the best result in consultation with the customer.

If you are not convinced of the benefits of social media marketing, then take a look at our statistics for the campaigns we worked on for one of our clients in Macedonia who has an online store, and the results are achieved in Macedonia.


From the statistics it can be seen that we have managed to continuously create successful campaigns for the client and contribute to the increase of their sales. What is even more important for us is that the client had a high ROI (return on investment), new customers, as well as increased interaction with new potential customers during the campaign period.

If you are interested in working with us, please contact us by phone or e-mail.

+389 78885050 <br>

+389 78885050

Nikola Trimpare 12/13<br> 1000 Skopje, Macedonia

Nikola Trimpare 12/13
1000 Skopje, Macedonia



Box Media is an agency for Digital Marketing, E-commerce Development and Consulting. Our mission is to help companies that have online stores reach their maximum. We also want to give them additional value through tips that you can find on our website.


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