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Running a successful online store in today’s environment is very difficult for small companies that have limited resources. That’s why many small companies have trouble running an online store successfully because they can’t focus on what’s most profitable and what brings them customers. 

Today there are a huge number of ways and platforms that offer advertising and finding new customers, but not all platforms are suitable for some brands and do not have the same return on investment of time and funds. Our job is to set a strategy for continuous growth of the online store and use those platforms and methods that bring the greatest result and return on invested time and funds.

With our experience of over 7 years in e-commerce and working with top brands, we offer the following services:

New online stores:

  • Creation of an online store, optimization of processes for the greatest effect.
  • How to get new customers (Organic and/or with paid ads).
  • What you should focus on in the first 100 days to have a successful online store.
  • What indicators you MUST track to know if you have a successful online store.

Existing online stores:

  • Scanning and optimization of the online store – home page, menu, category, product page…
  • Scanning and optimization of current processes.
  • How to read the information from Google Analytics and how it will help you increase your orders.
  • How to new customers.

If you are interested in cooperation with us, for a free consultation or for our opinion on how we can help you with your online store, please contact us on our contact phone number or e-mail.

+389 78885050 <br>

+389 78885050

Nikola Trimpare 12/13<br> 1000 Skopje, Macedonia

Nikola Trimpare 12/13
1000 Skopje, Macedonia



Box Media is an agency for Digital Marketing, E-commerce Development and Consulting. Our mission is to help companies that have online stores reach their maximum. We also want to give them additional value through tips that you can find on our website.


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